

Pulmoguard fits the following instruments without an adapter:

Adapters available for instruments not listed.

Note: Use Pulmoguard II for all SDI models.

Assess Peak Flow Meter
Burdick - Spirosense
Circadian - Models (if using black Tamarac pneumotach, need 7975)
Cybermedics -Spinnaker TL, SL, CM3, CM310 (if white or black cone use 7980)
Cybermedics - Moose
Godart - All Models
Gould - 5004
Healthscan - Assess Peak Flow Meter
Jaeger - All Models except Spiro Pro
Jones - All Models except Satellite (small end of filter)
Med Graphics - 1070, 1085 (w/Prevent, use PG II; if no Prevent, 7970-spirometry, 7961-vol/diff)
Med Science - 570, 6257
Med Science - 3000, 4000 (spirometry-no adapt./vol-7961/diff-7960B)
Med Systems - Spirolite 101 & 201 (small end of filter), 343
New Med - 7000 I (Spirobyte)
PK Morgan - Benchmark (spirometry-7978, vol&diff-7960B), Flexi Flow (small end of filter), Trans Flow
Pneumedics - All Models (small end of filter)
Riko - AS300
S&M - CF-150B, GS520, Keystone III, Portascreen, Pulmoscreen
ViaSys/Sensormedics - Horizon, Ohio, 922, 2130, 2200, 2400, 2450, 2800, 6200, 2100 (spirometry-7961, vol-7960B, diff-7960B), Vmax (can use PGII w/7976 or 7977)
Spirolink - All Models
Spirometrics - LTE, 2500 LTE
Spiroscreen - All Models (small end of filter)
Spirotech - All Models
Tamarac - All Models except Presto Flash

Contact Information


SDI Diagnostics
Ten Hampden Drive
Easton, Massachusetts 02375
Email: sales@sdidiagnostics.com
Phone: (800) 678-5782
Fax: (508) 230-2752 

SDI Diagnostics