PulmoGuard™ Filters


The original leader in PFT filters

PulmoGuardDuring a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, PulmoGuard is safe, highly efficient...and very affordable.


PulmoGuard II

The latest in PFT filters – fits most PFT devices without adapters.

PulmoGuard IIDuring a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, Pulmoguard is safe, highly efficient...and very affordable.


PulmoGuard Q


PulmoGuard Q™ Filters for MidMark IQ™ Spirometers

pg iq with filterDuring a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, PulmoGuard is safe, highly efficient…and very affordable.

The SDI PulmoGuard Q Filter is made by SDI Diagnostics, Inc. Easton, MA. SDI has no affiliation of any kind with Midmark Corp of Versailles, OH and the PulmoGuard Q has not been designed by, authorized by or recommended for use by Midmark. Midmark has not designed, manufactured or approved of any product made by SDI for any reason.

PulmoGuard N


PulmoGuard N Filters for ndd Spirometers

PulmoGuard IIDuring a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, Pulmoguard is safe, highly efficient…and very affordable.

PulmoGuard MG


PulmoGuard MG™ Filters for MedGraphics® with PreVent®

PreventÒ and MedGraphicsÒ are registered trademarks of Medical Graphics Corporation.

pg mg handsDuring a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, Pulmoguard is safe, highly efficient…and very affordable.

Contact Information


SDI Diagnostics
Ten Hampden Drive
Easton, Massachusetts 02375
Email: sales@sdidiagnostics.com
Phone: (800) 678-5782
Fax: (508) 230-2752 

SDI Diagnostics